I was in Toronto, Canada last week attending and speaking at Canadian Music Week. I always find a hard time adjusting to the time difference and, this time being no exception, had quite a few sleepless nights...
先日Canadian Music Weekというイベントのパネル・ディスカッションに参加すべくカナダはトロントに行ってまいりましたが、時差に弱い体質故、今回も案の定寝付けない夜が続きました...
So, one night I thought; "Since my brain refuses to slow down, I might as well write down the crazy thoughts that are keeping it active against, or perhaps being emancipated from, its owner's will."
To know who I really am, I must understand the elements of additives acquired through up-bringing, education, culture and socializing, remove them and see myself for what I truly am.
In order to do so, one must become a bicultural or multi-cultural person. A mono-cultural person cannot draw a line between what is being added by cultural initialization/conditioning and what is a pure consciousness one was born with for s/he is unable to grasp the part - her/his own culture (when I say “culture”, I include language, general temperaments, religion, -isms, politics, the lot) – in its entirety and purity.
If your country and her culture is the only country and culture you know, you will never be able to put them into perspective. You need to travel abroad, live with different people and speak other language(s) in order to truly understand your country and culture. If you are unable to see your own culture in objective, three-dimensional manner, you will never be able to separate it from your pure consciousness or soul, if you like.
Asking questions such as “why do you need to know such a thing?” or “You find yourself, then what?” is like asking a quantum physicist “what is the point of discovering the origin of the universe?”
松田優作にしても前述の「太陽にほえろ!」や「大都会 PART II」なんかで刑事役を演じ、そのステレオタイプの定着に図らずして片棒を担いでしまった感もなきにしもあらずですが、僕に言わせればそんな負の遺産(?)を返済してあまりある程、70年代テレビ番組の偏ったヒーロー像を本来のあるべき姿に戻した(?)のが工藤探偵事務所の私立探偵、工藤俊作!